
E-invoice switchover in companies

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15. Juni 2024 (Datum der Veröffentlichung)

Successful switchover to e-invoicing: guidelines for your company

The legal obligation to accept electronic invoices comes into force on 1 January 2025. Companies of all sizes are faced with the task of adapting their processes for invoice receipt and processing. Here you can find out how to implement the changeover efficiently and in a legally compliant manner.

Why is the switch to e-invoices important?

The switch to e-invoicing not only offers compliance with legal requirements, but also numerous advantages:

  • Time and cost savings through automated processing.
  • Transparency and traceability of all invoicing processes.
  • Sustainability by dispensing with paper.
  • Audit-proof thanks to digital archiving solutions.

Recommendations for companies

Checking the current systems

  • Review your existing invoice management systems.
  • Does your accounting software support formats such as ZUGFeRD or XRechnung?
  • Can your systems process e-invoices automatically?

Selection of suitable software

  • Rely on software solutions that simplify the receipt and processing of e-invoices.
  • DATEV Unternehmen online enables efficient processes without media discontinuity.
  • Alternative tools: Providers such as SAP or Lexware also offer solutions for e-invoices.

You can find out more about DATEV Unternehmen online and its benefits here: DATEV Unternehmen online.

Introduction of audit-proof archiving

Audit-proof archiving of invoices is essential in order to fulfil legal requirements. Use certified cloud solutions or internal archiving systems that store your invoices unalterably. Ensure that the archiving is GoBD-compliant.

Training your employees

Efficient invoicing processes with the e-invoice

The switch to e-invoicing is an ideal opportunity to modernise your invoicing processes and make them more efficient. Electronic invoices not only offer potential savings through automation, but also facilitate receipt, processing and archiving.

One example of optimised processes is the use of DATEV Unternehmen online. Here, e-invoices can be received directly, processed digitally and archived securely. The automated data import saves time and reduces sources of error – a clear advantage for companies of all sizes.

How the receipt of e-invoices with companies works online

If you have any questions about e-invoices, please contact us

We support you in all aspects of e-invoicing. Whether it’s optimising your invoicing processes, setting up automated processes or selecting suitable software solutions such as DATEV Unternehmen online – we are at your side with our expertise. Take the opportunity now to make your processes more efficient and future-proof by introducing e-invoicing.

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Aussagekräftige Entscheidungsgrundlagen – das ist es, was Sie von uns bei Jahres- und Konzernabschlüssen, bei der Beurteilung von Transaktionen oder der Gestaltung interner Prozesse erwarten dürfen.

So gut wie jede unternehmerische Entscheidung wird von Steuer-Fragen gesteuert oder doch zumindest beeinflusst. Die qualifizierte und an Ihren nachhaltigen Zielen orientierte Beratung wird zunehmend komplexer.

Wir bieten Ihnen eine routinierte und professionelle Unterstützung, die optimal auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse Ihres Rechnungswesens und Ihrer Personalabteilung abgestimmt ist.

In kaufmännischen und rechtlichen Fragen profitieren Sie von der gemeinsamen, fachübergreifenden Beratung durch unsere Wirtschaftsprüfer, Steuerberater und Rechtsanwälte.

In der Unternehmensberatung sehen wir unsere Aufgabe darin, Risiken zu minimieren und eine positive Unternehmensentwicklung zu unterstützen – gerade in dynamischen Märkten.

stallmeyer hat sich in über 50 Jahren eine große Nähe zu spezifischen Themen erarbeitet. Hier sind wir in besonderem Maße mit den jeweiligen Rahmenbedingungen und Besonderheiten vertraut.

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