
stallmeyer invoices as e-invoices

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29. August 2024 (Datum der Veröffentlichung)
stallmeyer invoices as e-invoices

We send our invoices as e-invoices

From January 1, 2025, the receipt of e-invoices will be mandatory by law. We as Stallmeyer will begin the gradual introduction of electronic invoicing in the 4th quarter of 2024 in order to switch completely to e-invoices from 2025. With this changeover, we are taking advantage of the benefits of digitalization, promoting machine-readable documents and creating an efficient and environmentally friendly solution for invoice processing.

What does the changeover mean for our clients?

In future, from 2025 at the latest, we will provide you with our invoices only as e-invoices, in ZUGFeRD format as standard or in XInvoice format on request. These standards enable machine-readable processing and significantly simplify accounting processes. For clients who have already received digital PDF invoices, much remains familiar: ZUGFeRD as a hybrid solution combines a readable PDF with an embedded XML file that can be processed automatically.

What does the Stallmeyer e-invoice look like?

You will receive the Stallmeyer e-invoice to the e-mail address you have entered in our system. If you prefer a different e-mail address, please contact us. DATEV appears as the sender of the Stallmeyer e-invoice with the e-mail address e-invoice@datev.de. An example of such an invoice e-mail is shown in the graphic. Please make sure that these e-mails are not assigned to your spam folder in your mailbox.

If you are using „DATEV Unternehmen online“, we will make the invoices available to you directly in „Belege online“. You will not receive an additional e-mail for this. However, a notification function can be activated in Unternehmen online.

Introducing e-invoicing together

We have put together a team of experts from among our employees for conversion processes in the various DATEV accounting software packages. Receiving the e-invoice is the first step we take in this area. The second step is to process the e-invoice efficiently in your company’s invoicing process in order to take advantage of the benefits of machine readability.

Depending on your needs, we will be happy to assist you with our consulting services, offer you support and make recommendations for the majority of software solutions to expand your accounting to include e-invoicing. You can already find out more about possible solutions at www.datev.de/e-rechnung.

If you have any questions about e-invoicing, please send an e-mail to: e-rechnung@stallmeyer.de.

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Die Vielfalt unserer Kompetenzen

Unsere Leistungen im Überblick

Aussagekräftige Entscheidungsgrundlagen – das ist es, was Sie von uns bei Jahres- und Konzernabschlüssen, bei der Beurteilung von Transaktionen oder der Gestaltung interner Prozesse erwarten dürfen.

So gut wie jede unternehmerische Entscheidung wird von Steuer-Fragen gesteuert oder doch zumindest beeinflusst. Die qualifizierte und an Ihren nachhaltigen Zielen orientierte Beratung wird zunehmend komplexer.

Wir bieten Ihnen eine routinierte und professionelle Unterstützung, die optimal auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse Ihres Rechnungswesens und Ihrer Personalabteilung abgestimmt ist.

In kaufmännischen und rechtlichen Fragen profitieren Sie von der gemeinsamen, fachübergreifenden Beratung durch unsere Wirtschaftsprüfer, Steuerberater und Rechtsanwälte.

In der Unternehmensberatung sehen wir unsere Aufgabe darin, Risiken zu minimieren und eine positive Unternehmensentwicklung zu unterstützen – gerade in dynamischen Märkten.

stallmeyer hat sich in über 50 Jahren eine große Nähe zu spezifischen Themen erarbeitet. Hier sind wir in besonderem Maße mit den jeweiligen Rahmenbedingungen und Besonderheiten vertraut.

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